"Society’s increasingly visible and abject suffering is the result of having abandoned its connection to the realm of spirit... the pandemic incidents of the so-called 'diseases of civilization'... are all symptoms of our fragmentation and our disconnection from our bodies, emotions, values, communities, the natural world, and the spirit — the breath of life."
Miles Neale
Most of us, particularly those over forty, do feel that something important is being lost, in today’s world. And what is worse, the sense of loss seems to get stronger and more poignant, as days go by.
We undoubtedly live in times of change, big shifts are taking place everywhere and in all sectors and aspects of life.
We are too close to events to be able to analyze them properly but, given my nature, prone to trying to understand the reasons behind the facts, I will give it a try.
LACK OF DEPTH AND INTROSPECTION Firstly, it is undeniable that there is, from the collective, a superficial engagement with life, a noticeable decrease in deep thinking and introspection and increasing lack of meaningful life purposes. People seem to have adopted a superficial engagement with life, they take things too lightly, without spiritual or material ambition.
This may be due partly to societies having moved into instant gratification instead of seeking long term fulfilment. Also, the lack of concentration and attention that I observe, particularly amongst younger people, may be linked to the overstimulation from digital media leading to shortened attention spans.
I come from a time when investigative curiosity was at work in many young minds, a fact which led, inevitably, to critical thinking. The current educational systems do not stimulate independent minds, they concentrate instead on role learning thus shutting the door to creative openings in each individual,
leading to the grave difficulty experienced by most of us in distinguishing between facts and fabrications. Hence the prevalence of misinformation and fake news. Superficiality is accepted without questioning, becoming therefore the new normal.
We live in an individualistic culture that puts personal gain over communal bonds. This state of things seems to have given rise
to an incapacity to be loyal to family, friends and one’s deeper impulses, situations that erode trust, so necessary to stable bonds and causes a sense of isolation despite increased (technological) connectivity. The status of relationships is at present more changeable than ever. Yesterday one was adored to the point of madness, today one is totally ignored. To cut with relatives and other close people, at the slightest tension and without looking back once, has also become part of the new normal.
“Our present problems have to a large extent arisen not only from the split between spirit and nature but from the secular belief system... which has increasingly separated us from nature and from soul"
P.D. Ouspensky
In my view, the root causes for this dramatic panorama are linked to consumerism, technological dependence and disconnection from deep existential and spiritual questions.
Regardless of how convenient digital connections have proved to be, it is more than obvious that face to face interactions originate an irreplaceable exchange of energy between the parts, indispensable for inner fulfillment.
In our societies, the focus is on acquiring goods, consuming for the sake of it and competing with others through it. The sole reliance on money and power to overcome the problematic issues of life has nurtured social systems that equate wealth with self-worth. The outcome has been the loss of intrinsic values such as compassion and empathy and the diminishing capacity to truly love one another. The recurrent categorization of people though what they are worth, moneywise, is an unscrutinized new normal.
"Contempt is 'the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another.'"
Arthur Scopenhauer
War rages across the world, rulers remain immune after ordering authentic genocides. The Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan, to mention just a few cases, are in our screens everyday though horror scenes, where the productions of humanity and humanity itself appear shattered, destroyed and unprotected by international laws.
What is happening in the world and how can we, mere individuals, contribute to the end of such a colossal disaster?
The tragic persistence of war and violence is a profound challenge facing us, reflecting complex historical, socio-political, and environmental issues. Wars are not confined to any single region or reason but are often interwoven with centuries old struggles for resources, power and ideological dominance.
Yet, the uneducated and misinformed collective react through polarization, taking sides and thus exacerbating the conflicts.
We live in a world where elegance appears to have receded into the background. But what is Elegance? The word "elegance" comes from the Latin root "elegantia," which denotes tastefulness and discernment, and is derived from "eligere," which means to select or choose." This root highlights the idea that the quality of elegance implies a thoughtful selection or choice, suggesting a refined understanding of what is appropriate and beautiful. Coco Chanel famously said “Elegance is refusal”, implying that the elegant person is the one who can make the correct choice. Elegance which is perceived as an aesthetic quality, is currently applied mainly to taste in clothes and appearance. However, in its broad spectrum of meaning, elegance is not only a matter of aesthetics but also a principle that can guide our interactions and acts of service. An elegant person is able to move through chaotic times, with wisdom and approach challenges with poise. Through deliberate and thoughtful action, we can create moments of beauty and kindness, reinforcing the profound connection between inner grace and outer expression. Thus, in a world reduced often to passing digital communications the elegance of genuine human interaction, grounded on consideration for others, compassion and empathy, becomes an invaluable asset. In reality, what we see today is a collective manifestation of societal patterns of behaviour that prioritize speed and individualism over grace and thoughtfulness. It seems that the pace of modern life leaves little room for stillness and reflection, which are powerful pillars for self-improvement. Because of the rise of digital communications, interaction amongst human beings has become more and more fragmented. Self-absorption, where our individual interests and desires become more important than communal good lead to indifference and rudeness, shutting each of us in a confined compartment, disconnected from the whole.
"AI is a technology that can bring us to the end of mankind... It's a question of how you use AI. It's happening right now and is outside the awareness of a lot of people."
Alfred Tolle
Lastly, the narrative of fear surrounding AI has to do with the lack of inner connection with our true selves. In our self-induced blindness, we no longer see that AI stems from us and that its power lies in the way we choose to use it. We should stay away from dependency and rather use it as a tool for empowerment. We can only achieve it if we work on ourselves, every day of our lives, in a process of self-vigilance and a quest for the divine in each of us. AI should reflect the best of humanity by supporting our inherent creativity, diversity, and ingenuity, ensuring that it remains a tool for enrichment rather than control.
The above is just a quick and schematic portrayal of my perception of what goes on in the world. It reflects my worries and the way I, as well as many others, would like to find solutions through a spiritual reawakening and rediscovery of the essence of life.
For that purpose it is central to promote an educational reform focused on nurturing critical thinking and investigative curiosity and cultivate real human connections through community engagement and service. At the individual level, there is no way you can advance without daily work on the expansion of your consciousness, through a humble and persistent exercise of self-evaluation.
Mariana Inverno
Note: This is an introductory text to a large spectrum of subjects which will be expanded in future articles.
Originalmente publicado em: https://substack.com/profile/73749034-mariana-inverno-bishop/note/c-72501120?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=17wp4a